
Daily Devotional

Average reading time is about 3 minutes

“Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel at that time” (Judges 4:4). 

Did you know that during the fourth and fifth centuries BC, law courts in ancient Greece were made up of a large number of randomly- chosen jurors, with a minimum of 201 participants and as many as 6,000? It sometimes required three large buildings to hold all those taking part in a trial. Even more interesting? There was no judge. The jurors alone deliberated and handed down the final decision. 

Things were somewhat simpler in the court of Deborah, who governed Israel several centuries earlier. Her court was held beneath a palm tree “between Ramah and Bethel in the mountains of Ephraim” (Judges 4:5). This wise and pious woman was also a prophetess. People came to her regularly for guidance and to receive her righteous judgments. 

It is said that Deborah was like a mother to Israel and was held in high regard. In addition to deciding matters of justice and giving advice, she also led the people in battle. 

Jabin, the evil king of Canaan, had been oppressing the Israelites for decades. But now the Israelites had repented of their idolatry and God heard their cry. Under the Lord’s direction, Deborah called Barak to gather troops and go out against Jabin’s army. 

Although he knew the message was from God, Barak was apprehensive. He refused to go unless Deborah went with him. Full of courage, Deborah didn’t hesitate. “I will surely go with you” (Judges 4:9). She accompanied Barak as he gathered ten thousand troops, and then gave him the signal at the proper time to attack. 

After defeating their opponents, Deborah and Barak sang a song praising God for the victory He had won for them. The Bible says that after that battle there were forty years of peace. 

What victories will you praise God for today? 

Dear Father, thank You that today we can have victory in all things through Your power. 

Daily Devotional Verses

For Further Study: Judges 4, 5; Proverbs 31:9

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