
Daily Devotional

Average reading time is about 3 minutes

He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a loyal heart” (2 Chronicles 25:2). 

It was a brisk spring morning on the Colorado River in Nevada. As Karl and his friends rafted around one of the bends in the river, they saw some people jumping off of cliffs. Anxious to try something different, Karl and his friends swam to the shore and began their climb up the steep embankment. 

When they reached the ledge, Karl squatted down and shuffled his way to the edge. He thought he could drop from the ledge as he was too scared to go for a running start. After looking down, he turned away. “I’m climbing back down,” he announced to his friends. 

When he and another scared friend reached the bottom, they saw a nearby rock that would make for a much safer jump. While his friend took a running start, Karl made a short hop over the edge. “You nearly hit the side of the rock!” yelled one of the parents in the boat. “I’m so glad you didn’t try to jump off the higher ledge or you would have certainly hit the side of the cliff!” 

Half-hearted decisions can be dangerous. Amaziah, the inconsistent king of Judah, learned this the hard way. When one of the prophets told him to send back the soldiers he had hired from the northern kingdom, he obeyed. This decision cost him all the money he had paid. However, after the Lord helped him win the battle over the Edomites, he decided to worship the idols he had taken from his enemies. Soon he was challenging the northern tribes to a battle. This time he no longer had the protection of the Lord. His army was defeated, and he was captured. 

One risky act of obedience is not enough. A walk of faith requires a loyal heart that will brave the dangers with a running start. 

Father, please give me the desire to follow You with all my heart and the courage to persevere. 

Daily Devotional Verses

For Further Study: 2 Chronicles 25; Mark 12:30; James 4:8

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