What are the Champions of Truth?

Champions of Truth are foundation builders!

When you become a Champions of Truth partner with your regular gift each month, you are joining an evangelism family that is making a nonstop difference in individual lives every day.

Your gifts as a Champions of Truth partner have a personal yet exponential impact—enabling Amazing Facts to reliably respond to unexpected evangelistic opportunities and making it possible to consistently reach millions globally through truth-filled television broadcasts, websites, literature and to train thousands of disciples to share the love of Christ.

“Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life” (1 Timothy 6:19).

Your Gifts Will Accomplish Significant Results Internationally

Dee says, “I remember when I first watched Doug Batchelor’s Most Amazing Prophecies series. I had never heard these things before, and I realized that there’s so much stuff in the Bible that no one is talking about and that people need to know!”

After Dee found the truth that he had longed to hear, he felt called to share what he was learning with all his friends. Today, he’s even a full-time evangelist!

Your monthly sacrifice will enable rays of heavenly light to shine on more than 12 million seekers of truth annually through our many websites. And you will help precious souls across 234 countries and territories hear lifesaving messages every day through television and radio broadcasts in 21 languages!

Your caring faithfulness will also bring ancient prophetic truth to modern audiences and help spiritually liberate prisoners in correctional facilities all over North America through the life-transforming Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides.

And you’ll even help train evangelists and international Bible workers to share profound truth from their unique cultural perspectives. As a Champions of Truth partner, you will play a significant role in helping people know Christ—not just in America, but all around the globe!

Special Gifts for Champions!

As a small token of our gratitude for you becoming a Champions of Truth partner, we’ll offer you unique spiritual resources that will help you grow in your walk with Christ and make it easier to share God’s loving message with those around you.

Champions of Truth Help Lay the Evangelistic Foundation of Amazing Facts

“The foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones”
(Revelation 21:19)
Just as gemstones form the foundation of the New Jerusalem, your faithful monthly gifts lay the financial foundation that enables Amazing Facts to boldly and consistently broadcast the truth of God’s Word to the whole world.
Champion Foundation LevelYour Monthly Gift of …… Will share gospel truth with an average of
Diamond$1000300,000 people each year
Pearl$500151,027 people each year
Amethyst$30090,616 people each year
Topaz$20060,411 people each year
Red Beryl$10030,205 people each year
Emerald$5015,103 people each year
Sapphire$257,551 people each year
Jasper$103,021 people each year
The heavenly city rests on layers of the world’s hardest stones, providing both beauty and strength to carry the weight of the buildings and the gates of pearl. We believe that many will enter those gates because of your commitment as a Champion of Truth partner!

Monthly giving is easy! Simply sign up once, and we’ll do the rest.

Together, we are Champions of Truth who are making an eternal difference for Christ all around the world!

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