“So, the Lord plagued the people because of what they did with the calf which Aaron made” (Exodus 32:35).
The no-fault divorce was first introduced in the United States in 1969 as a way to dissolve a marriage without any requirement to show wrongdoing by either spouse. Such laws have been hotly debated. Some argued that domestic violence rates fell in states with this law. Others pointed out that such a law rewarded wrongdoers and often negatively impacted children. No matter how you deal with a broken marriage, it is painful and messy.
Aaron made a giant mess. While Moses was meeting with the Lord on Mount Sinai, the people became impatient. Their visible leader had been gone for forty days. So they approached the high priest and pressured him to fashion a golden calf to represent their god.
Unfortunately, their spiritual leader caved under their pressure. Not only did Aaron fashion a golden calf—this was after God had spoken the Ten Commandments to them, including the one about not making idols— but the brother of Moses declared that they would have a “feast to the Lord” (Exodus 32:5). To the multitude comprised of both Egyptians and Israelites accustomed to Egyptian idolatry practices, this meant nothing short of a wild party.
Sure enough, things got out of hand with gluttonous eating, drinking, and immoral behaviour. The event was so loud that Joshua told Moses he thought there was war in the camp. Moses knew otherwise, and when he came down the mountain carrying the tables of stone on which God had written, he threw them down and broke them.
Aaron tried to plead not guilty but eventually confessed his sin and was spared. But, like a dissolved marriage, people got hurt. When sin enters the camp, there are always painful consequences.
Lord Jesus, forgive me for the times I have given in to sin and not taken responsibility to do right.
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