Jonah, Part 2 

Daily Devotional

Average reading time is about 3 minutes

“I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm” (Jonah 4:2). 

While many lawyers have the reputation of being dishonest, states work hard to prevent dishonest lawyers from practicing law. This was the case when a law student was denied membership 

to the legal profession because of a few lies. The man, who had recently graduated, had written inaccurate information on his résumé, on an unofficial transcript, and on an application. 

When the case went to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, it was overturned and the man was allowed to practice law in the state. This act of mercy was not unanimous. One judge explained that he did not think this young lawyer had demonstrated the required moral character. Even those who voted for his acceptance told him that he needed to vindicate the mercy shown to him. 

Sometimes mercy is not appreciated. Jonah is known for having one of the worst attitudes in response to God’s mercy. After preaching a prediction concerning the destruction of the wicked city of Nineveh, Jonah was disappointed to see that his prophecy did not come true. 

Instead of rejoicing that the lives of many people and animals had been spared because of his warning message, Jonah was infuriated. His anger led to some talk-back to God. He felt he had a right to be angry at God’s mercy. 

Yet the Lord knows the perfect blend of mercy and justice. Instead of letting Jonah remain in his angry state, God tried to teach the prophet a lesson about mercy. After sending a plant to give him some shade, He sent a worm to kill the plant. By this series of events, God tried to show Jonah that his anger was really about himself. 

Who are you thinking about when you get angry? 

Father, please teach me to be merciful as You are and rejoice when others turn to You, even if I lose face.

Daily Devotional Verses

For Further Study: Jonah 4; Matthew 5:7; Luke 6:36

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