Moses, Part 7 

Daily Devotional

Average reading time is about 3 minutes

“So, when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him” (Exodus 34:30). 

They called him the “Green Man” because his skin supposedly had a green glow. As a boy, he wanted to see into a bird’s nest. When he climbed an electric pole, he shocked himself and fell to the ground. Eventually he lost his eyes, nose, mouth, one ear, and one arm. The burns were said to have given his skin an almost glowing green colour. But most of the stories about “Charlie No Face” are legend. 

Raymond Robinson did suffer a childhood accident that left his face severely disfigured. He did not like to appear in public since his abnormal looks caused panic. He lived with relatives and made doormats, wallets, and belts to sell. Because of his appearance, Ray often took walks at night along a road using a walking stick to feel his way. Over the years stories grew about him, most of which were not true. He died in 1985 at the age of seventy-four. 

The Bible tells the story of a man whose face also caused great fear. After Moses spent forty days and forty nights with the Lord, the “skin of his face shone” (Exodus 34:29). People were afraid to come near him, not because he looked deformed, but because the brilliant glory of God reflected in Moses’ countenance. 

Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). When we draw close to God and put away sin, His likeness becomes our own. We display His holiness in our lives. Just as a guilty person has a difficult time looking into the face of an honest person, so the one who lives in sin does not want to see God or His representatives. 

Moses is a type of Christ. He veiled his face in the same way Jesus veiled His divinity when He became a man and walked among people. Someday we will behold the unveiled glory of God, face to face. 

Heavenly Father, remove sin from my life that I may more fully be changed into Your likeness. 

Daily Devotional Verses

For Further Study: Ex. 34:29–35; Numbers 6:22–27; 2 Cor. 3:7, 8, 18

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