Why Do People Think Obama Is The Antichrist?

Barack Obama

Why do people think Obama is the Antichrist?

Is Obama the antichrist? A headline in The Guardian newspaper, claimed in a report dated 3 April 2013, that “One in Four Americans think Obama may be the antichrist”. This report was based on a street survey of a ‘sample of American voters’. Obama was about halfway through his term in office at this time, and it is reasonable to think that now that he is out of office such speculations would die a natural death.

However, a TikTok video, dated 29 September 2023, has an AI creation making the same claim. By taking selected Bible verses about the antichrist out of context, they come up with the following argument as to why people should think Obama is the antichrist. They give these identifiers as proof:

Have the Ten Commandments changed? If so, who changed the Ten Commandments? These are serious questions when you consider that the Ten Commandments are the only words in the Bible that were specifically written by the finger of God (Exodus 31:18).

In Bibles that are based on word-for-word translation from the original Hebrew language, the Ten Commandments remain fairly the same. They read like this:

    1. He is a man. This is based on the Biblical use of the masculine term when referring to the antichrist.
    2. He is alive and well in the world today and ‘rearing to go’.
    3. He is a political leader, current or past, who has had experience in political office at a worldwide level, and so will be selected to become the leader of a One World Government.
    4. He will be a dictator.  
    5. He will be a homosexual. This supposition is loosely based on Daniel 11:37 which states that the antichrist will ‘not regard the desire of women’. 
    6. He is not a Christian, nor an atheist. 
    7. He will claim to be God incarnate and insist on being worshipped by the masses.
    8. He will blaspheme God’s name.
    9. He will possess miraculous powers.
    10. After the 7-year peace treaty prophesied in Daniel 9 is signed by world leaders, he will be given full authority to reign and that reign will last for 42 months, or 3 ½ years. At this point he will break the peace treaty and turn on Israel. 
    11. He will have full control over the world’s economy and will usher in the one world currency. 
    12. He will make everyone receive a chip in their hand which will allow them to buy, sell and trade. Without the chip they will not be able to.  This chip is the mark of the beast. 
    13. He will use earth’s army to fight against God’s saints. 
    14. He will desecrate God’s temple and his final destination is the lake of fire. 
    15. Jesus Himself, it is claimed, actually gives the name of the antichrist in the form of a parable. Christ says in Luke 10:18 “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”. 


Apparently, the Hebrew word for ‘lightning’ is ‘barak’; and for ‘heaven’ or ‘great heights’ it is ‘obama’.  So, it is claimed, Jesus is saying, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like Barak Obama’. 

This mishmash of texts taken out of context confuse people into thinking that Obama is the antichrist, when the Bible reveals that the true antichrist is actually an apostate ‘Christian’ power. And the idea that the nations of the world will sign a 7-year peace treaty, based on a prophecy in Daniel 9 which was given to reveal the mission and death of Christ, is radically out of context. The nations may perhaps sign a 7-year peace treaty, but it will have nothing to do with the prophecy in Daniel 9. 

 The apostle Peter warns in 2 Peter 1:20 – “knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of men, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit”. 

Private speculations and interpretations will never unlock the secrets of prophecy. We need to handle the Scriptures carefully and prayerfully, looking at passages in their context and comparing Scripture with Scripture. Only a daily relationship with Jesus and a prayerful study of His Word will enable us to discover the truth.

USA flag

Much of what is attributed to Obama is true of the real antichrist, but if we study the contexts from which these statements are taken, we will soon see that they have nothing to do with an ex-American president. Satan, the original antichrist, is trying desperately to direct the attention of people away from the real antichrist so that people will be unaware of his identity and agenda until it is too late. The trap will be set, and the prey taken in his snare.

In his last sermon before the cross, Jesus spoke to His disciples about what to expect in the last days of earth’s history. His first words on this topic were “Take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ’ and will deceive many.” (Matthew 24:4-5). Many will come, and will deceive many.

And again, He warns “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, the very elect. See I have told you beforehand. Therefore, if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be(Matthew 24:23-27). 

To understand who the real and dangerous antichrist is, one who operates under the guise of Christianity, read carefully and prayerfully the following passages of Scripture. 

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 where Paul identifies the antichrist as the ‘man of sin’, ‘the son of perdition’ and ‘the lawless one’.
  • Daniel chapters 7 and 8 where the antichrist is symbolised by the Little Horn power.
  • Daniel 11:30-45 where the activities of the antichrist – past, present, and future – is outlined in cryptic language. Here the antichrist is referred to as the King of the North in verse 40. From verse 40 onwards we can look for a future application.
  • Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18 where the career of the antichrist, and his eventual and rapid demise is outlined.

For more information on the antichrist please visit this website: https://www.amazingfacts.com.au/ and check out the Free Offers. There you will find a fact-filled booklet entitled ‘Who is the Antichrist?’ It will help you to understand and identify this dangerous enemy of freedom and true religion. 

So, why do people think Obama is the Antichrist? Because they have overlooked the most important textbook on the subject – the Bible.  


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